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Dear Virginia

"Dear Virginia" is a illustrative interpretation of Virginia Woolf's text "A Room of one's own."

I created "Dear Virginia" in 2021 during the module "Gender as a Tool" organized by the Lucerne School of Art and Design Animation Department. The whole Project was created in Adobe Photoshop.

In this project I tried to reflect Virginia's text on my own life.

After hundreds year ago, when Virginia wrote "A Room of One's own" there are still many similarities in our life. Of course, a lot of things improved for women in the last hundred years, but there is still a gender gab money wise or in sight of education.

In thirty pages and in my first language (German) I expressed those changes and how her text is speaking to me through time. It was also a pleasure to try to capture Virginia's facial features and expressions, since she made a very authentic impression to me on the pictures I found of her.

The Illustration of this project were later published by Art of Intervention.

Project Gallery

©2022 Melanie Gerber. Erstellt mit

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